Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

A pictures. One a day for an entire year. With only one exception, I didn't miss a single day. I also didn't realize what an enormous commitment I had taken on. Some days were easy - I took the one picture and that was it. Other times were more difficult and I had to make hard choices. A few times I snapped a picture of something in my house as I wandered up the stairs to bed, having forgotten to click during waking hours. And May 29 - the day my father passed away, it never crossed my mind. Everyone got used to me having the camera in hand and would ask "Will this be your picture of the day?" I took pictures of my friends, my cats, Israel, the beach, happy hours, a gum wall, everything. Most important, I took pictures of my family and the ones with my father are the most precious ones of all. I've never gone back through the collection, but I'm glad I picked this last year - I have a little history of one chapter in my life, of moments mundane and moments unforgettable. Snapshots of really happy times, and some that are bittersweet and profoundly sad. I wonder what a stranger would make of my choices? I think I'll continue with photographs...maybe not one a day, but I'll definitely remember to take the camera along for the ride. Thanks for riding with me.


Daisies are the friendliest flower. I agree, Meg Ryan.

Train With a View

The train ride from San Diego to Santa Barbara is very relaxing - I don't have to drive and I sit back and watch the scenery go by. When I left SD at 10 am, it was pouring rain, but by the time I got to Ventura at 2, the sun was out. High winds made for choppy water, but as long as I'm not in a boat or a car, who cares?

Target Loves Nature. Sort of.

Does your Target have a conservation area? The new, secret Target has a big lot put aside just for your nature enjoyment. It's really pretty with birds chirping in the palms, a little path on which to wander and and relax in peace and solitude, maybe enjoy a picnic lunch or quiet cup of tea. Thanks, Target. Unfortunately, the view is somewhat marred by the giant sign advertising the available lot for pads and shops. So much for conservation.

Bloomingdale's Bunch

Here's what happens when teachers have breaks from school. First, they meet for lunch at the mall. Next, and best of all, they go to the shoe department in every big store at said mall. We chose Bloomingdale's for the picture of the day. They also had the best sale.


Will's good friend, Dylan, invited us to the Kraken to hear his band "Raise the Guns". I typically don't enjoy heavy metal, hair swinging, 80's style music but I do love Dylan. He's the drummer and definitely the hardest worker in the band. We sat with his mom and both of us beamed like, well, proud mom's. Way to go, Dylan!

Say "cheese"

Took the Morrell family picture on Christmas night - but Branden just would not behave! I told him it was going to be the picture of the day. And I didn't lie.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Plan B

If the more exciting night fizzles out, don't worry - I found a Plan B.

Jen and Mom

I thought this one turned out pretty well!

Rocky, I think

In addition to a few others, my mom has 3 Boston Terriers - Daisy, Harley, and Rocky. They all look and act differently - snuggly, happy, timid, but all are sweet and friendly. And I love their faces.

Cold, Icky, Frosty

Came out of the warm, toasty inn to find 18 degrees and a frosty windshield. I knew it had to be scraped but I couldn't find a scraper, so I used the plastic insert from the armrest console. It worked well enough to get me to the coffee house for my morning latte.

Tea Rose Inn

I skipped the sterile hotels near the interstate and opted for a charming bed and breakfast for the same price instead. Rita runs the place with help from poodle Baxter, and it was absolutely delightful. Rita made a delicious breakfast every morning - gingerbread pancakes, cinnamon French toast, baked eggs in cream and garlic, apple cinnamon scones, turkey walnut quiche...ahhh, yummy! If you are ever in Hays, KS, check out the Tea Rose Inn, and give Baxter a little pat from me.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chair Dance

We spent most of Sunday in KPBS studios getting everything just right. Lights, camera, wait... adjust a light. Lights, camera, wait...fix makeup. Lights, camera, wait... sound wasn't working - try again. Lights, camera... action! We ran it through 2 times, posed for still pictures and called it a day 6 hours later. I'll call you for the viewing party in February!

Sorry, Michelle

I looked through the pics of Michelle's birthday fun at Shout House downtown. I smiled, remembering the singing and laughing and pointing of fingers. I thought how happy it would make my friends when they saw the photos. We'd all laugh together and plan our next trip. And then...I accidentally deleted them all. Permanently. Luckily, I had taken this picture of Madeline earlier in the day - I'm sure she's dreaming of the Shout House.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

RIP Danny

Carey is one of my oldest friends - lots of happy memories over the 25 or so years. Unfortunately, he was in town for an unhappy reason. Our good friend, Danny, has been ill with cancer and took a turn for the worse, passing away on Friday afternoon, surrounded by longtime friends, his 2 sisters and his parents. A gentle soul, Danny was the single guy in our group of couples, making jokes and offering funny commentary. He never married, but he loved his gorgeous Arabian horses like they were precious children. When Will was younger, I used to take him out to the stables to see them and Danny would let Will perch.
Carey and I offered a toast to our friend last night, talking about old times and remembering Danny. RIP, friend.

Big Kiss

I love when an old student visits me - she's in 9th grade now and remembered I love chocolate. Thanks, S!

On the Air

Dress rehearsal on Wednesday, taping on Sunday. It's almost time for Chairdancing!

At night, the yard is filled with puffy, inflated snowmen, Santa's, reindeer, and trees. During the day, the Grinch watches over the airless lumps of fabric. You know he's rubbing his hands with glee.

Pesky Exercise

Will eating spaghetti and meatballs with a bowl of spaghetti-o's at the ready. No need to bother getting up for seconds.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

If you ever read the book (or saw the movie) The Bee Season by Myla Goldberg, you will understand how I felt when I saw this explosion of winter. I passed a garage sale while I was running and stopped dead in my tracks at the sheer amount of stuff in the driveway. The enthusiastic owner then offered to show me the sun room winter wonderland. Gone away is the bluebird - penguins dominate this room. Perfectly placed with loving hands and maybe a little OCD, I was disturbed and impressed at the same time.

Beefcake Santa

Todd's Santa Cause Pub Crawl for Colon Cancer awareness is always a great event for a good cause. Usually, Lee and I dress the part, but our prior engagement required a different dress code. We went downtown after to show our support and find our 90+ Santa friends. Join us next year!

PrAna there anything better than a giant warehouse filled with yoga clothing at bargain prices? I fell in love with the prAna line when I found it in Santa Barbara and fell in love again when I discovered the warehouse not far from my house. CJ and I browsed and bought and wished we could have gone back the next day to see our new friends, Sara and Diane.


Her name is Rio and she dances in the Linge house. She barks when we walk in the door and then settles down, ready to watch over wine and whiners - and maybe fed a piece of cheese or two.
Why is it we like our favorite pets white and fluffy?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Siete Candelikas

After my stint as a guest reader at the SDJA/Beth Am Hanukkah event, I needed to relax with a glass of red in my new Hanukkah wine glass (thanks, Denise!) With the Darby napping basket and the bowl full of dreidels (special golden favorite of Will's perched to the right), I will enjoy this 7th night of a very peaceful holiday.

Fall in San Diego

I know, I's winter! But Southern California doesn't really have seasons, so when we see a tree with "autumn" leaves, it's picture worthy. Note the palm trees swaying gently in the background...

Crazy for Latkes

Since I hadn't had enough stuff fried in oil lately, and it IS still Hanukkah, I indulged in a few potato pancakes with applesauce at Janet's on Sunday night. Kenny wasn't sure about the consistency of the mixture and no one seemed to want to add more oil to the pan. Nonetheless, we managed to create about 30 crunchy, golden, perfect little potato pancake wonders. YUM!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ducks on a Float!

We can now check being in a parade off our list of things to do. The "I always wanted to be in the parade" float came by during the OB Holiday parade, and of course Lee, Fran and I jumped right on! Chris gave Lee an OB headband and we all waved like beauty queens. Notice our float attire...

Chocolate Anyone?

We opened the BIG box of chocolates and I started passing them around to our guests. 2 and a half pounds of sugary goodness...and I got a good arm workout, too!

I Think I'm Such a Bigshot!

Getting interviewed for the San Diego Jewish Journal for an article on the San Diego Jewish Academy. A little frightening at first, but good for a photo by the end. I'll keep you posted for the publish date!

Burn, Candle, Burn

Luckily, it was only the first night of Hanukkah and one candle was lit. Nosy Darby has to be involved in everything - he's smart enough to not burn his face, but his tail is another story. He swishes it back and forth and before we can swat him off the table, my house smells like burnt fur. Not truly burnt, just a singed hair or two, and he never noticed!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cardiff Days

Perfect day for windsurfing and kite boarding. Except for the 55 degree water.

Room With a View

Last night was a gorgeous sunset - this was taken off our upstairs deck. No green flash, though...

Happy Birthday Beth!

It's Beth's birthday and how do we celebrate? By making latkes, of course! We invited Tobin James to help.


Took out the box of decorations and now, I'm ready for Hanukkah!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holiday Kook

The Kook takes on Santa (or Ms. Santa)

Not Sad or Silly or Scared

We have a holiday tradition where we - girls only, sit on the stairs and pose for pictures. We always do "normal" first and then the "S" words - sad, silly, scared, sexy, stupid. The man who gets suckered into taking the photos regrets it instantly. Every camera has to get used and we pose nonstop. Some traditions must go on!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Poor Girl

There's plenty of room on the blanket, but Madeline doesn't dare disturb the sleeping Darby. She knows from experience that he will chase her down and eat her head. So she just looks and longs for the blankie she can't share...


For months, I've searched for the perfect frame for this picture of my grandmother, Sara Ann Guzik. The old pictures are 3x3 but all the frames are 4x6 or 5x7, and I just couldn't find the right fit. This was the only one in all of Aaron Brothers. If I find more, I'll buy them

Bad Day

Just wondering how this car got in this position in a other cars involved. Luckily, no one hurt, either.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

8 Crazy Nights

Hanukkah starts on Wednesday, December 1 - that's 6 days after Thanksgiving. Will doesn't come home until Dec. 11, but he still needs presents to unwrap. I bought gifts, wrapped up everything and put it in the mailing box. No time (or room) for cookies, but I'll make them when he gets home.

Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

Two and a half pounds of chocolate arrives in an enormous box - I put my i-pod on top to show some scale. One of Lee's student's brought it for him. Sure hope she gets an A!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bus Stop

We had a great day together at VIP preschool - second graders, 5th grade and high school leadership teams, and VIP preschoolers and their families. For many years, SDJA has sponsored a November food drive to provide 250 families Thanksgiving dinner. This year, second grade got to go along, man a cookie decorating booth and help tote boxes of food. The entire day was a tikkun olam teaching moment and an enormous success. Afterward, we were all so tired and happy that we barely noticed the bus wasn't running. 20 minutes later though, we were on our way home.

Smile, It's Your Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Christiana!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 Days Later

Ok, it's really time to take down the political signs.


Other than my own bed (and perhaps a king size with clean crispy sheets in a really nice hotel), the massage bed is the best kind of all.


Irritated IT Band wrapped and iced. It will feel better by Wednesday. I hope.

Number 4

Of course, this had to be the picture of the day!

As Seen On TV

I loved this bowl and Lee bought it for me. Next thing I know - I see it on "Friends". Still love it though...

Happy Christmas, San Diego Style

It's Veteran's Day and that means the holiday decorations are in full force. Not home to many pine trees, San Diego has to think creatively about evergreens. Luckily, poinsettias are plentiful...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Winter in San Diego

It must be winter - it's down to 60 degrees and we were freezing, so we made (turned on) the first fire of the season. Mmmm....toasty.