Saturday, February 27, 2010

Medusa wants her hair back.

I look forward to my school's Purim carnival every year. Everyone dresses up and it's fun to see how original the kids get. I love the carnival because I get to see my old friend, Scott Feld. We taught together when I was pregnant with Will, so it's been a really long time. He is the brain and brawn behind X-Treme Fun and a real party guy - music, dancers, and the kids have a great time. He's dressed as himself, I twisted a few plastic snakes in my hair, draped some white flowy fabric around my shoulders, and tied it up with a gold cord. A big plastic snake finished off the costume and I was pleased many of the kids knew my character! Good times...

We're safe

This was put up a few years ago after the tsunami in India. Cardiff is officially a tsunami zone since it's flat and much of it is built right on the shore. No worries for us - we live on a bluff about a mile from the beach. Still, it's sometimes a little unnerving to drive by the signs every day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Perfect disguise

It's the month of Adar, that means Purim. And if it's Purim, that means things are all mixed up! Flowers in bags? Well, of's Purim! Ingenious costume - going as a bag. Wonder what disguise I can have for Purim?

Spreckels Theater

Built about a hundred years ago, Spreckels Theater in downtown San Diego has been many things. The sign in the lobby said it started as a vaudeville house. Afterwards, it became a movie theater and now hosts live concerts and plays. For years, it had fallen into disregard - a victim of a seedy downtown that needed an economic and social revamp. Currently, downtown San Diego is gorgeous and alive and Spreckels is a sign of the good times. Remodeled to it's original Baroque splendor, this elegant old lady is destined to remain one of San Diego's premier architectural jewels.
We took the second graders to Spreckels Tuesday to see "Nate the Great". The mouth drop look in their eyes when they first walked into the expansive lobby was priceless-gaping in awe at the cherubs, balconies, angels, Neptune, crown moulding, sparkly lights, loge doors. Not to mention the begging "Can we sit in the balcony?" "What's a loge?" "Forget the balcony, can we sit in the loge?" Good times.


Swami's isn't just the name of a pretty beach or a yummy cafe - this Swami's is actually a meditation garden called Self Realization Fellowship. Founded by Paramahansa Yogananda sometime in the 20's, it's a place anyone to meditate, pray and chant for world peace and harmony. A number of years ago, I ventured inside gleaming white walls to the main meditation room and was surprised at the photos on the walls. I was expecting Krishna or Vishnu but found instead Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Jesus, and others who serve as inspiration for the power of peace and harmony. Swami's is a treat for the soul as well as the eyes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Don't actually use a whip.

Take a band of third grade boys with pent up after school energy and put them in a room equipped with a tire swing and what do you get? A social skills group up and running with my expert sister in command. Firmly in charge and learning volumes along the way, she will whip those kids into shape and they'll never know what hit them.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yawning Optional

Usually the word curl makes me smile - I have curly hair, I love curling ribbon, I like doing bicep curls. Curling as a sport? Not sure I get it, but I did try to pay attention when Lee attempted to explain the scoring details. I like the idea of men sweeping and the costumes certainly don't distract, but it's a total yawn-fest. Sorry, guys. It's more fun in the kitchen with the ladies and the lemon drops.

Hello Claire

Normally, we don't drive to Coronado for dinner. It is a little outside of my 5 mile radius. Claire had given us a gift certificate back in September and it was still sitting in our kitchen drawer 5 months later in February. It made for the perfect post-Valentine's day dinner, champagne and all. And who knows? We may make the drive again one day!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thanks Barbara Parks!

Oh, what we will do to motivate kids to read...
This time is was dress up day in honor of our favorite book character. I know better than to impersonate some of my favorite literary characters - Hester Prynne, Lestat de Lioncourt - too inappropriate. Elizabeth Bennett, Scout Finch - too hard to explain. I've been Grouchy Ladybug, Paperbag Princess, Angelina Ballerina. The award this year goes to Junie B Jones - Boss of Lunch. Complete with hair net, I stand with Mrs. Fields and salute readers all over the world.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vive la Veuve!

The widow is always a welcome addition to any table, especially in the plus size. No, we didn't drink this...we rubbed it for good luck and ordered our wine and cheese. Imagine the good times if we had indulged with la grande dame de la champagne. C'est fantastique!

Still rather live by the beach...

We're no stranger to fog near the coast. Sometimes it just sits out there...waiting. I came home the other day in a heavy swirl of fog. It just lay over the coast like...well, a blanket. This blanket was heavier - perhaps a duvet or comforter, and it made the sun seem to set 20 minutes earlier.

Monday, February 15, 2010

No worries, Einstein...

It just needed a quick chill, so I stuffed the bottle in the freezer and promptly forgot all about it. For 4 days. Yesterday, I opened the door, saw the slushy goo and thought a grape popsicle had somehow melted and was making the mess. I cleaned it up, closed the door and went on my merry way. It took an entire day to realize that things don't melt at 30 degrees. Today I opened the freezer door, found the source of the slush, cleaned up the mess, and poured myself a glass of very cold rosato to celebrate my genius. Cheers!

My furry Valentine

I have no Valentine this year...we don't mention it at school, Lee is gone to check his parents in Santa Barbara, Will is drinking Valentine beer in Eugene, my dad was a mess in Irvine. Came home to brush Darby, pet Darby, pay attention to Darby, give cat treats to Darby, and let Darby pretty much dictate my life. Don't you wish you had a furry Valentine?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Give me a sign...

After my misunderstood Facebook posting about the host of weeds in my back appropriate to find this billboard twirling freethinker standing on a corner in downtown Carlsbad. Do you think he likes brownies?

Deb? Janet?

A gathering of the Chickadees with lots of good wine and way too much food. We started with a shot of homemade limoncello, skipped the champagne and moved straight to red wine. Opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics for entertainment and a fine time was had by all.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dreams do come true...

I'm having a hard time starting this one. Laura invited me to tag along and meet some people she helps. First stop, Dance Place. Over a dozen large studios with sprung marley floors - all I wanted to do was beg Valeri to consider renting a space. Second floor, more of the same, but we ended up at Malashock Dance School learning about outreach programs. I wish I had been part of some sort of dance outreach effort. And I would have loved to have met John Malashock - a choreographer I admire very much. Next stop, I met Matt D'Irrigo of the ARTS Center—where kids can escape their life challenges and nurture their creative sides. Music, photography, performance, literature...every sort of art form is explored and empowered. Both places were poignant, emotional, inspirational, and serve as a reminder that all art is significant and can move us to a better place.

Sunny Days

Lee and I bought a copper sun from the crazy sculptor couple on Manchester. They were selling everything off so they could retire to Oregon. We fell in love with it and they crafted one especially for us. Kept inside, it will keep it's gorgeous copper shine, hung outside and it will change to a beautiful patina. For now, ours keeps our dining room sunny and bright.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tippie? Tippie?

Not quite a murder, perhaps a small killing of crows landed on top of one of the trees at school. The day was blustery and a rainstorm was about to blow in. The birds held on and squawked at the clouds and flew away 2 minutes later. I hear that Corvus brachyrhychos are rather smart, although a little creepy, sorts of birds and I started thinking about them. We used to hear them cackling away in our eucalyptus trees and I often wondered about the term "eating crow". Do they tasted good? Are they kosher? Would they make a good pet? Or will they take all your shiny objects?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ballet 40!

We know we're in big trouble when Valeri physically twists his eyebrows into a frown. He and Tatiana are classically trained in the old Russian style - academic, yet elegant and graceful. It must be so hard for Valeri to watch us slaughter his choreography - we clomp around as if we are some sort of clumsy parallel universe.
English is his third, maybe fourth language, and in spite of valiant efforts to decipher what he's trying to say, very often it all gets lost in translation. It's quite amusing to hear his take on certain words. I never knew "pause" was pronounced Pow-sah. I've got to learn Russian.

What commercials?

We watched the Super Bowl at Dianne's house with a few friends. These new little pals had just met and had no idea a bigger game was going on. Completely engrossed in a video and some playing cards, these kids had a fine time. Could you please tone down the noise? We can't hear Curious George...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Craving tacos

My brother can eat Mexican food every day of his life and we celebrated his one day in Irvine by visiting El Cholo. My dad managed the car ride, the walker in a very crowded restaurant, and the 30 minute wait. He also ate more than anyone! Should have tried the margarita, dad!

Happy New Year!

Jeanne never really needs a reason to have a party - some beer, festive lights and a prime position next to the crock pot of Velveeta cheese dip, and we're good to go.


About 15 years ago, I met Debbie R completely by chance through a mutual friend. We made an instant connection and our husbands love each other too. No men tonight, but it was still fun to catch up over some good wine in a gorgeous restaurant.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sefer Safari

February always presents a reading dare to our school. K-5 is challenged to read 1700 books by the end of the month and we are tempted and rewarded along the way. Dress down days, crazy hat day...educators will do anything to motivate kids to read. Snow White and her friends made a special appearance to every classroom and endured some very good natured ribbing. I wonder who will visit next week?

Cat mail

Darby loves boxes - boxes of all kinds. If we leave ANY box on the ground, he will climb in and stake his claim. His favorite place to sleep is a small wicker basket that sits on our coffee table. It'll be a picture of the day soon, I'm sure. Every month, we tape a box together and toss in fun stuff to send to Will. Darby is always the first in the box. Last night, he "helped" me tape the box shut and then paw-handled it to try to get in. Maybe I'll send Will an 18 pound box next month!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Low tide

Today's drive by the beach revealed a very low tide and surfers walking a long way to the waves. After the tumultuous high tides of the last two weeks, the beach parking lots are covered in sand and rocks and the tide pools are uncovered and waiting to be explored.

Daddy -o

My dad is a nearly 88 year old Humpty Dumpty - he falls and gets glued back together again. Last week, I got a call from the lady at his independent living home. He had taken a fall and was being zipped away to urgent care. No real damage except perhaps to the ego. Jo is his longtime friend and confidante and she fusses over him like an Italian mother hen. Are you hungry? Can I tidy up? Sure, I'll give you a shave. I swear she has chicken soup in her purse.

Mikveh Monologues

I've never been to a mikveh - the closest one is up in LA and I join others in being too intimidated to ever try the experience. I also thought women went to the mikveh for niddah and perhaps before one got married. Not so true, I found out both men and women go to the mikveh for many reasons - after chemo or a divorce, before Shabbat, adoptions, bat mitzvah...who knew? Renewal, learning and the ritual of immersion. With the help of some leaders in the community, I may soon be able to have the opportunity to experience an old tradition. Thanks Laura and Jane!