Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ho Ho Ho and the Witch

Marylyn and I have been friends for over 20 years...through thick and thin. And through many costume changes, too.

Pictures of Pillows

Yes...exciting, I know. I bought these pillow covers in the Jewish quarter of the Jerusalem market. Davida helped me examine the entire shelf until we found the perfect match They have been riding around in my car for over a month and FINALLY I went to the fabric store to buy the stuffing pillows. Now they look perfect in my living room.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Flip Flop Party!

Beth goes wild with a theme...tonight combined Halloween with flip flops. Flip flopping food such as jumbo shrimp was served along with flip flop cookies and a flip flop cake. Kris wore her dress and jewelry flip flopped around (until it got too uncomfortable), Ann dressed as Santa, and we all enjoyed the wine pairing with different candies (Hot Tamales with Pinot grigio - a flop. Tawny port with Reeses Pieces - a hit!) So much fun!

Hanging with the Cat

Playing around with the camera on my new i-pod...

A Different Kind of Bird

My school has a beautiful garden and I often walk in to pick mint or rosemary to take home. We take the kids in to weed or plant or sit and observe. We've measured perimeter of beds and calculated cubic feet of soil. Sometimes, we take out work out there and the birds watch us work. These birds never make a peep.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Cow?

The neighborhood in Point Loma off Voltaire street is chock full of great old houses, beautiful gardens, and quirky yard decorations. Although many yards are ready for Halloween - this was the only cow I saw.

Animal Lovers, Look Away...

Seen and bought at Cardiff Seaside Market - PETA brand steak sauce. People Eating Tasty Animals. The side of the bottle reads "Where's the beef...and the veal. prk and chicken too? And don't forget the whale, dolphin, baby seal and panda. Loving all God's creatures next to my mashed potatoes." Lee nearly fell over when he saw the bottle and couldn't buy it fast enough.

Who are you calling Pumpkin Head?

Last week it was Pumpkin Kitty - this week, the family joins their pet to wait for Halloween night. I can't wait to see the Christmas decorations.

Cardiff by the Sea

Don't you wish you could drive by the beach every day? I've lived in San Diego for most of my life and the ocean still takes my breath away. Even with the clouds...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


While at Swami's meditation gardens, we saw this amazing acacia tree - those are thorns mixed in with the leaves. At least as long as my finger, they were sharp and dangerous, and Meecy and I were actually a little frightened to stand under the tree.


We love the Birdhouse in Leucadia - it's a Turkish restaurant that offers belly dancing on Friday and Saturday nights. The 2 we saw were very good - they used the finger cymbals and danced with the sword on their heads. They also got most of our group out to dance with them. Quite amusing and a lot of fun!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Briefcase Cat

Attache, valise, suitcase, whatever - if it has 4 sides and he can fit, it's the perfect place for a Darby nap.

It's All You Need to Know

It reads "My wife is always right". And in our house, it's totally true.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dream Car

For Sale - 560 Mercedes convertible in just the right color...May I have it please? please? please?

Pumpkin Kitty

Perched on a neighbor's fence, pumpkin kitty sits waiting for veggie friends.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thanks Meecy, Alan and Hannah

No one's having any fun until the Broccoli Heads and their scary mom show up to your party. Now the party's really getting started!

Riding the Rails

A lot can happen when one walks across the tracks to happy hour. For example, a train can stop and block your way and then you would have to climb up between the cars and jump off the other side. Maybe in flip flops. Or stopping for photo ops. Maybe.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Little Boys,Too

Will had a tea party birthday when he was 4 - he wore a cowboy hat and Elyse wore a fancy hat and a boa. They drank chamomile tea from real china cups and ate chocolate covered strawberries and shortbread. It's one of my favorite memories...

Rub My Tummy

I think it's the law...

Thanks Ladies!

Birthday wine and whine - with yummy wine, delicious food and the best of friends. What could be better?

Math Cat

If a cat meows 166 times in 1.2 miles, what time will happy hour start?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'll Call You Back Later...

Can't talk right now - my wife is listening...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food Babies

Maybe it was the Carolina BBQ at 11:30 am (8:30 our time!) that gave us stomach aches. Or perhaps it was the gallons of sweet tea we drank to wash it down - doesn't matter. We were in a food coma for hours after. Delicious and well worth every bite!

A Good Excuse for Doughnuts

Lee was playing around with the display buttons on the rental car and found the one for compass. Sorry, Officer, but the car TOLD me to drive around in circles!

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Quick plane to LA to board a more substantial machine for Raleigh. Not too often we get to walk out to the plane anymore, but I remember when that was the only option.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tiki Will

On the 8 inch strip of wall between the dining room and kitchen hangs the tiki man. He's been there since we moved in and although he's a bit ugly, he's part of our family. Look a little closer and you will see a picture of Will. The photo was part of his bar mitzvah decorations and when we got home from the party, we stuck the picture in tiki man as a joke. We forget it's there, but sometimes a guest will make a comment.

9 cents in 7 hours...

The unleaded was $2.97 in the morning and $3.06 in the afternoon. I wonder what it will be tomorrow morning. Remember when diesel was the cheap gas?

Flying Spaghetti Monster

It's the skin on my laptop...found at the University of Oregon bookstore last year. We love the FSM at our house - you should, too.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Julia Roberts Would Be SO Proud!

Just like "Pretty Woman", Christiana and I went out to stomp the divots at half time (after the second chukker) of the polo game. Champagne in hand, we searched for the hidden champagne cork but no free bottle for us today. No steaming divot either...

Can't Look...

Watching the Oregon / Stanford game on TV and wishing I was in Autzen Stadium with Will cheering on the Ducks. Instead, I was home (and also eating dinner at restaurant) and trying not to look at the score. It all turned out OK with Oregon smushing the Stanford Cardinal once and for all. OOOOOOOO!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dryer Cat

The top of the dryer means many things to Darby. He knows that when we go into the laundry room, he will either get a treat or be brushed - or both. He'll meow his unhappiness if we actually go in to do laundry.