Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sewing Mishap

I'm teaching the 5th grade girls to sew for Colonial Days at school. Racquel hobbled up to tell me she had sewn her purse to her pants. Luckily, Jack had some scissors and cut her free to sew again. Thanks, Jack.

Yom Ha'Atzmaut

Israeli Independence Day and the kids have a day of fun planned. First, we follow the IDF guys to the obstacle course, then a fun art project, snack, Israeli dancing, and top off the day with songs on the stairs. Exhausting, but a lot of fun.

Encinitas Trash

I love Encinitas. It's an arty sort of town - home of the Kook, the Surfing Madonna, and tiled trash bins.

Congratulations Pat and Debbie

Fine time at Pat and Debbie's wedding...

Dr. Edie Eger

Dr. Edie Eger, Ph.D, public speaker, mom, grandma, and Holocaust survivor. I've heard her speak a number of times and I'm still so impressed by her story. Sent to Auschwitz as a teen, she survived by turning cartwheels for the guards. Later, she danced for Dr. Mengele himself and along with her sister, survived the war to have children, grandchildren and grandchildren. At 85, the woman can still kick her leg up over her head and joke with 11 year olds about the food they eat. Tremendous spirit.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Speaking of Art....

A majestic and historical Torrey pine had to be cut down at Swami's beach earlier this year because of beetle infestation. The remaining log was carved by a local artist and will remain as stump reminder for a few years. It's hard to see the empty space, but I do like the wise face.

Illegal Surfer

One night, some "artists" crept under the railroad trestles in Encinitas and painstakingly attached hundreds of mosaic tiles to the underpass. In the morning, the community woke up to a beautiful piece of "illegal" art...not sanctioned by the City. Yikes! Now the art is the subject of heated debate - does the city tolerate such acts of artistic defiance or do they pay big bucks to have it removed? Isn't the point of art to cause one to think? Stay tuned....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Like Pigs

The bird feeder was filled to the top yesterday. Whoever coined the expression "eats like a bird" obviously doesn't know our birds...

Cutie Cat

Sometimes, he is just so darn cute!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day Darby

I was terrible about posting pictures in April - a trip to Indy, spring break, report cards - I took photos but never posted. May 1 brings a new resolve, and of course, what better way to start than with May Day Darby?