Monday, December 31, 2012


One of our colleagues knew all 4 of her grandparents were survivors- she showed us her grandmother's name on the actual list of Schindler. When we visited the Polish memorial near Modiin, she found the family village and names of her extinguished family on the wall. We all fell apart and sobbed with her- each one of us remembering our own. Very powerful day.

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Location:jerusalem Forest,Jerusalem,Israel

Cross Here

The icon for the crosswalk is a religious man complete with beard and hat

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First view of the wall on Shabbat afternoon.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Street Performers

Local guys on Jaffa Street singing Dire Straits in English.

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Children's Memorial at Yad Vashem. Cloudy day with one perfect sunny moment


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Not the Gap

A small synagogue near the bus station food court. Not sure where they keep the rabbi...

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4th Floor Please

This is a tourist attraction in Jerusalem that takes you on a 3000 year historical journey. I just like the sign.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve in the Old City

Santa does visit Israel- he just looks a little like an Easter bunny.

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Location:jerusalem Forest,Jerusalem,Israel

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jerusalem Morning

We're here in Jerusalem and I've been completely awake since about 530 am. Now, the skies are blue, the sun is coming up, and I search for coffee...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


When I was in Kansas in August, I knew it was for the last time. My mom had been placed in hospice care a week before and I wasn't sure I'd make it in time. I spent good time with her and before leaving, took a barely started bit of baby blanket meant for my brother's future son. I finished what she started and am getting ready to send it off, but I'm having a hard time letting it go. I've put it the box 3 times and keep taking it out. It's the last thing I have that my mother touched and its like she's died all over again. I know it's time to say goodbye- again.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yay Target

Finally- a little Hanukkah nod... too late, bit a nice thought!

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

8 Nights of Darby Cat

Peeking into a bag- not for you kitty face!

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Love my Family!

Wittenberg havurah- 17 years of lighting the menorah.

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2012 Vaudeville

A group of boys from Israel performed for our school...not sure where the sailor suits are from- 1920 maybe?

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Go Away

Unless you are Beth...

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3 For the Price of One

Darby Cat, Menorah Cat and Madeline peeking out from under the glass

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Dreidel Cat

Spin the dreidel and win!

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

2nd Night

Darby really didn't like being so close to the candles

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Hanukkah Kitty

First night

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Latke Love

With my favorite Mr Potato Head

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Wind Surfer

Gal Fridman, 2004 Olympic gold medalist in windsurfing

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

No Storm on the Horizon

Enormous fog bank in Del Mar

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Lotsa Latkes

A bottle of wine, delicious salad, 140+ latkes, and really good helper elves. Thanks to Beth, Michele and Robin for the frying fun.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Picky Eaters Unite

Meryle always gives us grief about our discriminating food habits, bit tonight- she was outnumbered.

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Decorated For the Holidays

Equal opportunity decorator- just not Kwanzaa

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Frida's in the House

Actually, Frida's ON this house in Ocean Beach.

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Friday, November 30, 2012

TEA Time

Spill the beans and toast to jobs... Always a good time with Ms, Dianne

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I'm Sure There Was A Reason

But I'm not sure why...

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Happy BirthdayBeth

Laguna Beach celebration... And Harmon came, too!

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Saving Seats

Darby is now camped out on my new slightly puffy coat- and promptly stuck out his "hand" to claim his space.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Plenty to Drink

Never true...

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Funniest when Karla repeated the sentiment on her "thankful" leaf!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The entire campus came together for a show of support for the state of Israel. I heard a report of a possible cease fire... so let's hope.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

San Diego Supports Israel

Over 1500 supporters showed up on Sunday to show support for the state of Israel.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thinking of Dad

Sometimes, totally out of nowhere, I'll see something completely random that will make me think of my dad. We don't celebrate Christmas, I don't buy ornaments, and as far as I know- my dad never said a word about a red bra'd monkey doing the hula. And yet, I instantly

thought of him. Miss you so much my hula dad.

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Thanksgiving Bounty

Many, many bags of Thanksgiving cheer for VIP Village preschool courtesy of SDJA food drive.

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Thanks Pottery Barn

It's actually a well set table for Hanukkah with no silver Christmas ornaments in a bowl.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Panoramic Paradise

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Location:S Vulcan Ave,Encinitas,United States

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Test Taking Darby

He will take the test but he won't help grade...

First post done entirely with my Iphone!

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Mini or Maxi?

A four door Mini Cooper seems wrong - if you are going to drive a sedan, then own up and drive a sedan.

Lady Kelli

Lady Kelli - I think I'm going to enjoy my title of nobility! Now, where is my tiara?

Snuggle Kitty?

Madeline doesn't enjoy being picked up, in fact - it is nearly impossible to do because she is so skittery.  Will managed to scoop her up and give her a teeny little 10 second snuggle. That's 8 seconds longer than the last time...

Easy Bake Surplus

No more Easy Bake ovens, but there is still a surplus of cookie mix for sale at the 99cent store!

Post Halloween Spoils

Yeah, I know we don't acknowledge Halloween at our school, but someone sure is bringing me a LOT of my favorite candy. Even some 9th graders remembered...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Holly and Pebbles

And our dates were Bam Bam and Santa...


Perfect sunset coming through the ranch...

It's Real!

The board is set up, the pieces are in place, and the kids are ready.  We have prime ministers and a UN. Arms Dealers and a World Bank are at the ready. Let the negotiations begin!

Happy Place

This is my happy place...from my lounge chair at the Spa in Palm Desert.  85 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. A cool pool and Tim the cabana boy with smoothie in hand....aaahhhhh.

Havurah Pals

Also known as Crepey, Drapey, Saggy, Baggy, Splotchy, Blotchy, Flabby and Crabby. We missed you Jeannie!  17 years and still going strong...


Why? At nearly $5 per gallon? Even when gas was less, this was still gross.

Snack Time

The Chicks are on their way for a birthday snack.  I love a pretty table and believe we shouldn't hide the fun linens and cloth napkins.  Why are people so surprised to see nice things?