Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 2

They are getting fluffier although I'm not sure how many babies we have.  I'm hoping for quintuplets.


It IS hard to see, but the momma left her nest for a moment today and I took the opportunity to peek at the inside. 5 just born babies are  settled in the fluff, just waiting to grow.

Always a Reminder

Yes- I live here and I can drive by palm  trees in the winter.


No matter who you look at it -VG's are the best around

For Robin

This ones for Robin - and she'll know why...

Lovey Dovey

We have a bird feeder in the back yard and we supply many meals to lots of different bird friends.  The morning doves are amusing simply by being bigger than the tiny sparrows. 2 on the feeder make it sway to one side. 3 tips it very precariously.  No matter - all the birds, no matter what size, devour the seeds in no time.

Happy Birthday, Lee!

The wall is painted and just waiting for the frame...I drew one in for the time being and wrote a birthday greeting to Lee as well.

Sparrow Mom

I watch her - she watches me...and we both wait. 5 perfect little eggs wait, too.

Always Remember

We had over 30 Holocaust Survivors visit our fifth graders today.  This lovely gentleman, William, told his story and presented us with the only painting he had ever created. It was of one of the camps and he told us how he had been saved by his voice. He then opened his mouth and sang the most beautiful rendition of Sole Mio...absolutely perfect. We all stared at each other in total awe at the voice that came out of this sweet old man. What a treat and an honor to be in the presence of these brave and amazing people.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Kevin!

A semi spontaneous birthday celebration after ballet class last night. As is her nature, Beatrice wanted to do something kind for a friend. So, we got a few sweets, a balloon, turned on some French music and sang happy birthday to Kevin (whom I had met moments before). Whose birthday is next week?

Mama Hen

I peeked inside the safe little nest and found 5 perfect sparrow eggs.  I've been reading about sparrows and figure I'll be a grandma in about 7-9 days. 

Go Fly a Kite

Better yet, strap yourself TO a kite!

Cute as a Bug.

This is really one of the best tags I've ever seen...


I have shellac on my nails and just can't seem to get an appointment to soak it off.  This is how Anna does it at the salon, so I tried it myself. It did look pretty funny but it also worked.  Now i just need to find the time to get it reapplied....sigh.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quoting Shel

And then, the tree was gone and all that was left was a stump. If the stump were a bit bigger, we could quote The Giving Tree.  "Well, an old tree stump is a good place for sitting and resting."  Thanks, Tree.

I Own a Palm Tree!

Our tree guy said that most people can't wait to plant a palm tree. It somehow represents all that is warm and tropical and I LOVE that grows in our yard.  About a year ago, our well behaved tree started developing seed and flower pods that continually bloom, reproduce and make a mess all over the back patio.  Sadly, we had to make the decision to get rid of our beloved queen palm - she reigned a long time over our Cardiff kingdom.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Whine and Whine Goes Martini

Always looking for an excuse to get together and Michele is the one to thank this time.  6 or 7 different martinis, too much tasty food, and desserts to die for.  Thanks ladies, a delicious time was had by all!

Paint is a Cheap Thrill

I LOVE to paint...and I'm always pulling out the rollers and trimmers and ready to put some new color somewhere in my house. This time, I've taken a fancy to chalkboard paint and am now waiting for our neighbor to make a frame.  I can't wait to get the chalk and start creating!

Old Pals

Lee and Tom - old friends from college. We're at the top of the Marriott looking into Petco Park.

St Pat's Day, Part 1

Our pub "crawl" turned into more of a pub "sit", but it was fine with all of us. Another order or appetizers and a round of drinks, and we were happy campers. 

Just Planking Around

After the fun of Purim, I took the 5th grade yoga class around campus to get a taste of "planking".  We found lots of great places - tops of chairs, the monkey bars, lunch tables, and the gaga pit.  I took some fun pictures and then the kids took the camera from me and  demanded I plank, too. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hard at Work

Today was Purim and that means the teachers are dressed as Snow White, bees, ladybugs, queens, ballerinas and Dorothy.  The kids are in disguise, too - ghouls, hippies, princesses, and cowboys running around the playground and having a fun time.  We cheered on Mordechai and booed Haman, ate cotton candy, listened to drummers and exchanged food baskets. I do love Purim!

Footnote to Tuesday

It's a little surreal and it definitely has sparked a lot of differing opinions. 
Isn't that what art is all about?

Sleeping Beauty

Ariel spends a lot of her day at the dance studio and by 7 or 8 pm - she's exhausted. She's very well behaved and very much loved by everyone, but her grandpa is the one she loves.  She sits in his lap and "helps" him with the music, She shows us how to tendu and pirouette and fans us when we ask. Last night, Valeri had her in his lap and she was sound asleep in 2 seconds. Here is Mr. Valeri showing us the next dance combination with a sleeping beauty in tow.

No Peeking!

A new art installment is awaiting it's unveiling...we know the artist is Jose Sacal and the name is "First Step". We also know that it's a sculpture of a foot. Anymore,  we don't know, but the speculation is quite entertaining.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Drink for Health

We always knew a glass of red wine was healthy, and now we're validated by CVS pharmacy. (I also had to validate myself to the manager of the store after taking the photo)

Happy Birthday Dianne!

It took her a few minutes, but Di finally found the "creepy thing" in the photo. Lee always finds it hysterically funny when the secret is out.

A New Home

Not sure if this is a mommy bird or a daddy, but someone has found a very nice place to build a nest.  We're a little worried about how the babies will fly away, but for now - the nest building is quite fascinating to Darby and Madeline.