Monday, April 30, 2012

Talent Show Judges

Although I blurried up their faces a little, you might still recognize Mega Mind, Cruella, Rapunzel, Popeyye, TinkerBell and Gru.  Dedicated judges for the SDJA talent show, they thought up funny one liners and pumped up the crowd for nearly 2 hours.  Good job, guys!

First Attempts

I spent an entire afternoon in Old Town San Diego with a photo composition group.  We snapped pictures of everything and although I wish I had turned the flower around a little before I took the shot, I still like it quite a bit.

Happy Birthday Ben

Nothing says birthday in Southern California like a pinata. This one happened to be indestructible and needed a LOT of  pounding before someone finally hit paydirt.

Yom Ha Atzmaut

Also known as Israeli Independence Day and at our school, we do it up big.  Lots of fun games, delicious food and art projects topped by singing on the stairs at the end of the day. The kids love to camouflage themselves and practice their IDF skills.

Spatula Bouquet

One day Maria might get married again and I have the perfect bouquet for her.  She is an amazing cook with a kitchen full of the right stuff. I marveled at her collection of spatulas and measuring cups - entire drawers of bowls and gadgets. No wonder she had to remodel her kitchen.

Thanks, Maurice

Back door of one of the art galleries in downtown Encinitas and it reminded me of Where the Wild Things Are. Since I was in public, I did not look into their yellow eyes or cause a wild rumpus. I did behave well in time for dinner.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Day, Another Box

It's almost immediate - we put down a box...any box...and Darby hope in and makes himself at home.  We'll keep this box until it falls apart, I'm sure.

Yom Ha'Shoah

Holocaust Remembrance Program with fifth graders and a group of survivors.  It was very moving with music, candle lighting, survivor stories - all to remind us that we must never forget.

Whine and Wine and Cupcakes

Mare was here from New York and what does that mean? Another excuse for Wine and Whine.  Beth planned everything down to the last detail...pairing wines and cupcakes from Elizabethan Bakery.  Delicious!

And Then...There Was One

I thought I saw one of "my babies" fly away yesterday, but I couldn't be sure. They are all so crowded in the little nest and it's hard to count.  This morning, I saw 2 more fly away and ran to get the camera. I missed the next departure, but managed a photo of the last little friend, now an only child.  I know the nest will be empty when I get home later. Good luck, little Sparrow's been fun.

Sparrow Kids

I know they must be nearly ready to fly away, but I'm not ready quite yet! I check them once (or twice) a day and I love their little black eyes staring back at me. And no, I haven't named them.

Seconds? On Matzoh?

It's hard to use the words tasty and matzoh in the same breath, but Norris and Brooke managed to make it so that we all reached for more homemade goodness. They flavored some with salt, some with rosemary and some was plain, but it was all yummy.

Let's Make Lemonade!

Our palm tree is gone, but we now have a Meyer lemon tree instead.  It has little flowers already and we can't wait to harvest homegrown lemons.  When life gives you a lemon tree...make lemon drops!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Where's Tony?

Cousin Debra was in town for just a few days and we had a lovely dinner at Sara's new house to celebrate. They've painted the walls, done a little gardening and best of all - Tony's built a skate ramp in the garage.  Just what every garage needs!


April showers bring May Flowers - or you can just go to Home Depot and pick out a box.


Lee heard a thump downstairs but didn't come down to check it out - we have cats and we always hear thumps.  I came home to find a wayward morning dove dead on our patio and a bird shaped smudge on the sliding glass door. Can you guess the source of the thump?

Baby Update

The Sparrow family children are getting bigger and much more demanding.  We can hear them in the house when it's meal time and now their baby heads are looking around. I'm not sure how long the babies will be around - a few more weeks, I think, but I better go to the Cornell University Ornithology site to check!

Crabby Neighbors?

Coolest gate ever seen halfway between Ventura and Carpenteria on PCH.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy #90!

My father in law, Walt, loves gadgets of all kinds. He was playing around with the camera on my Ipad and accidentally took a self portrait. It's perfectly and absolutely Walt.

The Original Loyalty Program

I don't think anybody collects Green Stamps anymore, but the sign is still up in the Goleta area of Santa Barbara.  I remember my mother collecting Green Stamps and going to one market over another if they gave out more.  I remember the fight between the Brady Bunch kids about what to buy with stamps.  I should have gone in the store to see if they still give them out. Next time...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Family Matters

Met Jo, Kathi and Diana at Ponte Winery in Temecula this afternoon.  Pat, Lorraine, Viki and Mary finished off the crowd. We laughed at silly old jokes and talked about old times, but best of all - we just enjoyed being with each other. 

Ground Control to Major Tom

My sister's new house has a fancy shmancy expensive Japanese toilet in the master bathroom.  Seat warmers, front and rear wash, fan dryer, and a deodorizing flush - this toilet does it all.  All that washing probably negates the low flow rating though.

Sparrow Agnew

Papa Sparrow takes his job very seriously. He brings home the food and watches the children while Mrs. Sparrow is out.

For Robin

Robin - I found your shoes - they're at Kohls.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Feed Me!

Day 3 and the babies grow hungry. Momma Bird does her best but I'm sure by the end of the week, she will need a Bird's Night Out.