Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Friends

We made quite an acquaintance on Sunday with a lovely expat Brit, Greg Powell. Interesting, intelligent and a fellow lover of chocolate desserts and books, we are delighted to be his friends.

Best. Museum. Ever

Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. Devoted to all things functional and beautiful.

Cooling Off at the Louvre

It's a hot day and what better way to cool off than a trip to the front of the Louvre to pop toes into cool water. So refreshing...

Picnic with Louis

Seen in the flagship Louis Vuitton store on the Champs Élysées in Paris- a picnic basket complete with china plates, silver, wine goblets, linens, and chafing dishes to keep your food warm. Butler to carry this fabulous trunk not included in the $6000 price .

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There's a big parade of sponsors before the Tour de France cyclists come through. We saw a giant chicken followed by what appeared to be boxes of nuggets. How could a sponsor be that mean? Not so bad after all... They were Madeline cookies!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Built In Darby

Seen in a groovy Paris furniture shop- coffee table with built in little cubbies especially for kitties to make their napping places.

Burghers of Calais

Rodin sculpted a few guys who got in a bit of trouble and were sent off to their execution. Luckily, the powers that be gave them a stay of execution and they had to go home to their wives. That's where the real trouble began.

Dregs of Angelina

Yes, we went through the Tuileries gardens and yes, we wandered through the Impressionist beauty of the D'Orsay, but the real highlight of the day was a quick stop at Angelina's. Hot cocoa sipped through a layer of whipped creme and pastries to die for... we ate and drank every bit and waddled home to sleep off our food coma.

Paris Real Estate

Pere la Chaise cemetery - where such notables as Oscar Wilde, Voltaire, Moliere, and Chopin (most of him...his heart is in Poland) are buried. Everyone comes to see Jim Morrison's place. The cometary varies from elaborate crypts to toppled over headstones, but the entire place is quiet and calm and removed from Paris reality.

Pondering Paris

It's fun to see the Notre Dame gargoyles up close ... they are much more friendly in person.

Paris Kids Are Tough

St. Denis lost his head but soon found it on the playground. Kids play in the shadow of this headless bishop and we found that weird and amusing at the same time.

The Captain Chenille

This little caterpillar was spotted crawling on the floor of the Paris metro. We don't know how he got there, or what stop he needed, but we watched, fascinated, as he inched his way across the floor... narrowly escaping feet and packages. We had to get off a few stops later, but I have faith this little guy will live to be a brave little butterfly.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quatorze de Julliette

Better known to Americans as Bastille day. Normally I post one picture, but today was just too rich. First, the military parade we nearly missed but got a lucky prime spot for viewing. We loved the Butcher Brigade marching with big axes. And never mind what they say about no capes- these guys in capes were too cool. And how do you top 30 minutes of fireworks set to 70 and 80s disco music with the backdrop of the Eiffel tower? A day I'll remember forever.

Rhum Bar

We found "bar alley" not too far from our apt near the Bastille. It's just one bar after the other, and each with its
own unique theme. The giant jug of rhum was found in a Dominican Republic themed establishment... Soterio, I thought of you!

Pigeon King

Enormous king of pigeons keeping watch over us, day and night ... He watches.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pig Out

While we were sitting at a local cafe, a woman came along and dumped what looked like 100 lbs of bread on the grass for the pigeons. As it turned out, it was dozens of sandwiches- with tomato, lettuce, and ham. I think the birds eat better than most!

Let Them Eat Bread

This one should be called "pig out" so look at yesterday's post to see the proper photo for today. Pig snouts, feet, ears, and tails sold at a local market for your dining pleasure. Def not kosher.

Keith Haring

Unexpected Keith Haring modern art in St. Eustache church. This is a church that helps take care of AIDS patients and their families and after his death, the Haring foundation donated this to
the church.

Give Me a Hand

See my travel blog for a complete description of the Coolest. Store. Ever.

Aliens are Everywhere

Especially in Paris ... They watch you from
High up. All you have to do is look up.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dance Class

Danse Centre du La Marais... Old studios with creaky floors and lots of stairs to climb to get there. The dance class was a dream come true.

Boxes of Wine

Yes, apparently even the French drink wine from a box. I'd never believe it, except a few were gone. It was probably Americans...

Paris and San Diego Meet

Met our friends, Ann and Marc Clevenger, for 4th of July beer.

Paris Gargoyle

Seen on the side of Notre Dame- we'll climb up to the top one day soon and see his brothers

We're Halfway to Paris

Recharging batteries in Philly and in a few more minutes, we are ready to board.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jefferson WInery

Yet another well deserved wine break during the World Peace Games!