Sunday, August 19, 2012

Does This Chair Make My Butt Look Big?

Brooke snorted when I asked...


Not even if I GAVE you a house?  We had a lovely dinner at the Chart House in Cardiff- just me, Lee and Steve - the lone Havurah hold outs. 

Tin Foil Kook

In all the years of the Cardiff Kook - NO one has ever thought to cover him in tin foil.  Classic Kook photo with beach man sitting below. 


When I was in Kansas, more than one person made a point to tell me how they wouldn't live in California if I gave them a house.  Really? How about THIS house? 180 degree unobstructed view above Swami's beach. Secret thanks to Kim's parents for "hosting" the latest gathering of the Whiners. 

Happy Birthday Janet!

We walked for gelato after a lovely birthday dinner for Janet in Little Italy.  I turned the corner and bumped into Limor!   My crowd didn't even notice I had stopped following them and 5 minutes later, turned around to search for me.  I was in the same spot, still hugging my curliest of girlies.  Love you still so much Ms. Limor!

Happy Birthday Dan!

A MUCH needed Wine and Whine event!  After a month in France (no complaints!) and a week in Kansas (oy!), I needed my girl time. Oh yes, it was Dan's birthday, too!  Happy birthday, Dan!

La Costa Spa

But not the one you might think....and a lot less expensive, too.  Thanks Amy, for the use of your wonderful backyard oasis while you were on your Alaskan cruise. When is your next vacation?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

Will took quite a liking to one dog in particular - Daisy Mae.  She's actually really cute with an enormous smile and lots of funny faces.

Where are You?

I love the name of the street - 8th and Anderson. 

It's Safe!

Hays, Kansas - Discount Liquor and Mattress Store.  It's been the picture of the day a number of times, mostly because I'm always happy to see it still in business.

Not Ready for Thanksgiving

Wild turkeys seen crossing the road in Victoria, Kansas.  After watching 3 of them try to hop over a chain link fence, we decided turkeys are quite dumb and needed to be eaten every November.

Rocky, Daisy, Harley, Toby and Bubba

5/8's of the Kansas dogs watching Will eat his hamburger and fries.  9 big sad eyes (one dog only has one eye) staring up and not a single fry was shared until much later. 

Mom's Best Friend

Finally made it to Kansas and find my mother quite happy in her bed with her Daisy dog.  Later I think they shared half a muffin...

Art by REAL Artists

Our home exchange couple were artists and left us a little bit of themselves behind on our chalkboard wall.  I especially love the little Darby on the lower left side...

Good Form

Ry attempted a tremendous leap over the Great Wall of Luggage in the Philly airport. Excellent form, but unfortunately, he didn't stick the landing and twisted his ankle.  We found a wheelchair and Will had a fine time doing a few wheelies and speeding through the airport with his friend. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Love Locks

I think I posted about the locks on the bridge near the Notre Dame...but we FINALLY put our OWN lock on the bridge.  Took us a month but we are officially on the bridge.

1 Rue Saint Louis en L'ile

It's MY house, but I might have to let someone else live there for the time being. But I don't like it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rue Morland

The kitchen in our apartment - TINY! One large window, a very small sink with no garbage disposal, a tiny counter painted red, and a teeny stove that we mostly covered with a butcher block.  Still - we ate a fair number of delicious croissants and wine in our teeny little kitchen,

C'mom, Feel the Shirt

I showed Will and Ry the Kilo store, where everything in the entire store has a price - and the price is by the kilo.  Will bought a few shirts and a Coors rain jacket.  Will couldn't get over the feel of silk and demanded we all touch it and admire.

Tete de Cochon

   Look Hannah - we had Pig Head Market, too!
Technically, it's the Bastille Thursday and Sunday market, but Pig Head has a better ring, don't you think?

Take Away Drinks

The French aren't quite so hung up on open containers, in fact, everywhere we went, we saw people -even cops- drinking in a quite civilized manner.  I think it's the expectation that if you drink, do it responsibly and with as little bother to your neighbor as possible. Never did we see drunks stumbling about or starting a scene. Makes me miss not being able to drink a beer at my local beach a little bit more....

Un Chevre dans le Jardin

Why are goats wandering  the Tuileries Garden? Other than resting peacefully, we guessed to help out the groundskeepers. After all, it is quite an enormous place, and the goats don't need health insurance.


Sitting in a cafe sipping a late afternoon beer and watching the people stroll by. This sweet old lady said something to the 2 guys and they had quite an animated conversation for about 10 minutes. Perhaps they talked about beer. Or maybe the menu. What if she is deciding on a tattoo and asked about theirs?  We'll never know...

Fish Head Market

tĂȘte de poisson du marchĂ© - just for my good friend Hannah Fan-Gal. heads are everywhere!