Sunday, September 23, 2012

Making Plans

Trying to book a flight to Israel with Diane on one phone and Hagit on the other. 2 conversations in 2 ears - and both of them asking if I booked yet.  How am I supposed to book if my hands are busy?  YET somehow - I got it booked first!  Dec. 22- Jan 6 - Israel, here we come!


Just one word...plastics. There's a great future in plastics.

Food Trucks

Encinitas started a very short lived (3 weeks) tradition of inviting gourmet food trucks on Friday nights. The crowd was outstanding- at one point, diners were lined up 10 deep waiting for choices such as pheasant sausage, curry chicken, and veggie burgers.  It was quite a party and we saw a lot of our local friends, who I'm sure wandered the streets and shops later.  The food trucks were a great vehicle for getting people downtown, but the city is shutting them down and making them jump through permit hoops. The trucks said they won't come back.  Shame on Encinitas!

Doggy Birthday

I hope he had ice cream later..

Friday, September 14, 2012

Happy Birthday JT!

I LOVE first birthday parties - the presents the baby doesn't care about and the cake smeared all over the face.  Lately, everyone is so concerned about sugar and gluten and the poor baby doesn't get the thrill of frosting face. Not so with Jet - Jessica gave him the monkey cupcake and he dove right in. Then he spread the love and shared with daddy.

Kitty Help

Darby loves to help and editing Will's resume seemed like the perfect opportunity. 

For Giants

Walked into the plastic store (yes...there's such a thing) and was instantly distracted by the giant stemware.  Martini, margarita, brandy and wine - all were represented, but I'm not sure I can afford the alcohol.

Not Quite the Bargain

On the clearance rack at Marshalls. Maybe I'll wait for the double clearance.


Which groupie? What band?   

No Hormel Here

Meryle's annual Labor Day chili cook off gives us lots of choices - vegetarian, beany, meaty, white, spicy - every sort of chili is present.  Add the margaritas and the jacuzzi and we have a fine time!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Let's Talk Duck

Hannah is off to University of Oregon where she will study journalism and minor in Spanish, just like Will.  During Meryle's annual Labor Day Chili Cookoff, Hannah picked Will's brain to find out which classes to avoid (math) and good places to go in Eugene (bars).  I hope the Hannah Duck has an equally excellent adventure as the William Duck.

Foiled Again

Sitting at Urban Plates with the school ladies and in walks a woman in the midst of getting her hair highlighted - yes, those are foils in her hair.  Having never had my hair highlighted, I have no real idea how long the process takes, but I've never heard of anyone actually starving during a beauty treatment...

More Darby....

It's been a long time between Darby photos, but he really never gets any less cute.  How can you not love that face?

Happy Birthday Cuz!

Let's all meet and celebrate at Slaytors in Liberty Station.  Special birthday cup not included in the price of the bacon burgers...

Call Me!

Auntie Kathi and Will are so close that they will Skype each other from the back seat of the car - here is Kathi with Will on Skype - and Will with Kathi on Skype - each showing the other what they look like on Skype - while Skyping each other.  huh?