Friday, July 28, 2017

Old School

I think I had a similar pair in high school. Are they retro? Old school? Vintage? Or am I just coming around full circle?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gonna Need a Bigger Bag

People and their dogs coexist all over NY and I've seen every breed and size imaginable. I see them on leashes, in baby strollers, and tucked into handbags. There must be more dogs living in Long Island City than anywhere else in the city- its quiet here and I know of at least 3 dog playgrounds in a 2 block radius. Still, it's always a bit of a shock to see such an enormous beast walking down the street- after all, all these large dogs live in tiny apartments. But if they want to go on the subway, they must be in a travel bag...can you imagine trying to stuff this beast into your Louis Vuitton?

Stating the Obvious

Seen on 5th avenue near 70th street.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Atlantic vs Pacific

Pacific will always win, but I was still darn impressed by the Atlantic. I loved the dunes and the lack of seaweed. And although the water was a bit warmer, I didn't care for the sand color or texture. No worries- I'll be in my beloved Pacific in just a few short weeks. In the meantime, South Bethany, DE hit the spot.

2 in 1 Day

Today was my lucky day- TWO visitors from San Diego on the same day! Fran just for a few hours on her way home from Princeton and Dianne for the week! I'm so lucky❤️

Dog Days in the Park

Just a herd of Labradoodles enjoying the park...

Monday, July 10, 2017

Shame on the Statue!

I've now been to the Staute of Liberty 2 times in the last 3 weeks. Tickets are not easy to come by- the first time we tried to get tickets to the crown. No such luck- they were sold out until October! We climbed the 180 steps to the pedestal instead. The view was great and the museum after even better. Where else can we see the 6 foot cast of the lady's ear? Or learn of her story and read the poem by Emma Lazarus? It should be required of every visitor to this nation. And her citizens, too, especially children. When we tried to take an 8 year old last week, we found both pedestal and crown were sold out- crown until November, pedestal thruAugust. No problem, we can still pay for the ferry and enjoy her from the surrounding park, and then take in the museum.  Sad news...and shame on the Statue of Liberty and National Park Service- when we were done walking around oohing and aahing at our Lady, we found we did NOT have access to the museum! Only the grounds. I read my ticket and sure enough, it did say grounds only...but to not include the museum in the price of admission? Shameful and such a disservice to those who actually want to learn something and not just go for the photo op. And then, to deal with the disappointed little boy from Dallas who really wanted to see that giant ear. Shameful.

Beautiful- even in the rain
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4th of July LIC Style

It's  our first 4th in the city so we took advantage of the amazing view and had an Independence Day celebration. How fortunate that Macy's sets off their SIX barges right on the East River pretty much in front of our view. Pretty damn amazing. And yes, I know it's more than one photo...
In the morning- after some major car towing. Barricades set up and a no traffic zone enforced.

2:30 and the crowd is gathering

8:45 and the water barges show up.

First one- right off our deck!

Aftermath- not too bad considering the enormous crowd

Not my photo, but Google did a good job providing the image

Monday, July 3, 2017

My Lazy Life

I ride the subway nearly every day- either to the upper east side to Ramaz, midtown to visit my sister, or weekends to wander Central Park or West Village. The trains are chock full of interesting sights and funny signs. This one reminded me of my winers in SD...and life really is just too short. And I guess I'm a little lazy, too.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

 I have a perfect view of the Gantries at Hunters Point. I see weddings, proms, QuinceaƱeras, but today, my first car commercial. 

Prideful in NY

First post from NYC, but not the last...
Gay Pride in the big city. A zillion people makes trying to cross the street a nightmare, but I finally made it to Jared, et al, at the Duplex. Refreshing lemonade, dancing to Britany Spears, and celebrating g diversity and love. What better way to resurrect the Picture of the Day?